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紅葉を訪ねて大法院・桂春院へ/A Joyful Afternoon With Beautiful Autumn Views

Writer's picture: YuriYuri


On 25th of Nov, we visited Myoshinji Temple with Japanese language learners.


To avoid hustle-bustle and enjoy autumn foliage quietly, we chose two of the complexes of Myoshinji, Keishun-in and Daiho-in.

桂春院詫びの庭/ Keishunin


The students looked a bit tired during bus travel because of the day before. They climbed all the way up at Fushimi Inari Shrine. For them, the two temples were great and their mind slowed down.

大法院のパンフレットには「まぁ、座ってお茶でも召し上がれ」 を意味する「且座喫茶(しゃざきっさ)」という禅の言葉が書かれています。まさにその言葉通り、お抹茶とお菓子をゆっくりと時間をかけて楽しみ、景色の素晴らしさを心に刻み込みました。

We enjoyed matcha tea and a confectionery and appreciated the beautiful yet quiet garden view. This is a concept of daiho-in, written on the brochure. "Well, well, sit down and have a cup of tea"

大法院/ Daihoin
大法院にて/at Daiho-in


There was a question from a student during the tour; what is the difference between "momiji" and "kaede"? Japanese people use these two terms referring to Japanese maple, which confuses a lot. When you write in Kanji letters, it helps better understanding.

通訳案内士Yuri/ English tour guide


"Momiji" is written "紅葉" but this Kanji can be pronounced "ko-yo-," too. In this way, it simply means leaves that turned to be red. Originally "紅葉(ko-yo-)" is not a plant nor a tree, but the color condition of leaves.



On the other hand, "Kaede" came form "kaerude" or "frog hand", as maple leaves look like so. Among all maple trees and other trees and plants that are turning into red, the Japanese have enjoyed Japanese maple or "momiji" in Japanese the most. Momiji became a representative of all kaede (maples) in this way, and that's why both kaede and momiji are used for the Japanese maple tree. And also, 紅葉 started to have two pronunciations.


Whatever the reason, the Japanese tends to think "momiji" as a beautiful view with red leaves, while "kaede" as maple trees.

大法院/ Daihoin
大法院/Garden of Daiho-in


Had a wonderful peaceful afternoon. Daiho-in is open till 30th.

通訳案内士Yuri/ English tour guide



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