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10月まじかる足かるツアー/October Magical Physical Tour

Writer's picture: YuriYuri


The other day Tabinomushi had a tour to be healthier, tittled "Magical Physical."


The tour included a town walking tour, experience of sento (Japanese public bath), and Ashitsubo (foot massage) service. Though we walked a lot, all participants smiled and said "I feel better!" "I feel like walking more!" at the end of the tour.


We met up at JR Nijo Station.

Guide Yuri


We walked with stories of Heian era, basically around 12th century. The buildings are not remained but the stories were enough to imagine how people had lived at that time.

Guide Yuri


We walked not too slowly, not too fast, but after a while, everyone got tired even though we had some rest and snack.


We arrived at the sento (Japanese public bath) at the best timing.

源湯/ Sento Minamoto Yu


We had a surpring chance to see how they heat water with wood. Woodburning one took us back to a famous Ghibli movie of Spirited Away.

源湯/ Sento Minamoto Yu


To add more, they specifically prepared a bath with fresh mikan -Japanese orange.


After taking a bath, they all had Ashitsubo one after another. The reflexologist was a very professional!


Everybody endured the pressure while the treatment saying ouch! and laugh. After it, they can't help saying wonderful words how smoothly they can move their body.

足つぼ/ Ashitsubo

最後は #北野天満宮 で解散しました。

We finished up at #Kitanotenmangu Shrine.


Thank you very much for joining the tour!



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