Frequently Asked Questions.
Q. Why Tabinomushi offers two kinds of tours (Public group and Private)?
A. Public group tour is arranged by us and the itinerary is fixed, which means our guests have no flexibility. By doing so, we are trying to set exciting and interesting tour themes from a unique point of view so that we can share seasonal scenery and customs of Kyoto or Japan. Also we reduce the price to a reasonable cost. For those who want to customize an itinerary and also for those who have special interests and requests, we offer private tours with full flexibility.
Q. Do I have to make a reservation or can I just show up for a public group tours?
A. Yes, reservations are required for all tours.
Q. What happens if we arrive late to the tour?
A. Our tours start sharp on time, so please try not to be late. However we understand something could happen, so contact us via phone if you need a help. We will give you the guide's phone number in a reminder mail 3 days before the tour.
Q. Are tours conducted even in case of bad weather?
A. Yes, we do our tours in rain. So we recommend you to bring umbrellas or waterproof jackets and to wear comfortable shoes. Having said that, we might cancel our tours due to the extreme weathers and conditions, such as typhoons and earthquakes, when warnings are announced. In this case, we let our guests know via email, our blog, and Facebook.